Well today i took a shower and it twas fun i used finesse, finesse conditioner, apricot bodywash, and i smell all purty. and as i type i am listen to a wonderful song brings a tear to my eye, HermAphrodite by Stephen Lynch, (as i write this i stroke my hair) i love my hair a little too much, is that wrong, oh well fuck it, i have to grab something to eat, work out, buy a carton of luckys , but i have to kick the laziness out of my ass first, i appiled for sgpdx i am waiting, i might of appiled twice i don't remember so i am sorry for any inconvenience, and i made three groups, two are pending, it is funtastic, and i have really nothing else to say but this quote from my ma, ' you can't pickle a bread without hitting it over the head with a smurf, yessirrreeeee, peace out large fries with a coke and a burger
What the hell?? can you please edit that out of my journal..
Ok, now that WAS funny!!!