well i am trying to think of something to do ,i'm bored out of my freakin skull, there isn't anything on tv until an hour i have done tons of push ups and crutches to pass the time and become rock hard for the Laaaadies, i am a sleaze, oh well, well i want to call my friend but i losted his number and he lives with somone with a last name that is kind of common so there is like twenty of them in stayton, and to go thru them all will cause a bit of money and i don't have it, i want to drag his ass down here and hang out, cause i have nothing to do and he is a good guy, anyways i 'might' do SB but no girl wants to see me naked.....i might blind them....with.....beauty (guff laugh) (runs his hands thru his hair as he writes this journal) i want to dye it but i just don't know what color, i have commit issues, so i sit or lie cause my bed is my chair so it's pretty comfortable, but to try to get to the bathroom at night is PAINFUL, but pain makes you strong so i tough it out in this jungle that is my room, oh well, something is on tv so again i am not bored, i have nothing profound to say so i will so this..... when high don't......AND I MEAN DON"T DO ANYTHING YOUR FRIEND ASK YOU TO DO, WHEN HIGH YOUR FRIENDS BECOME EVIL AND SATAN'S PAWNS, and why did my friend's have a dress hanging around and those heels *ugh* i don't want to go into details, buh bye and good day.....i said good day
I grew up with Joey Harrington!