so what a day it was sooo tiresome i had to get up after sleep for 5 hours, and then i had to get up and brush my teeth that was HARD, and then comb my beautiful hair and i need to shampoo it to make it more beautiful and just gaze at it in the mirror.....uhhh i am getting off track, and i need to pick out of the three pants i own to which one i was going to wear, and then put on my only pair of shoes, and find some clean socks in this forest of mess, and pray to god that i didn't destory my pack of ciggs, and i didn't(wips his brow), and then find something to eat which there is too many choices ,eggs, bacon, tunafish ,doritos,doughnuts. waffles,pancakes,anythhing you of thought i had it, but i'm a growing boy so all of it disappeared, that is right i can eat 10 pounds of food in one sitting and none of it goes to my hips, and i rarely gain any weight, then cause i was slightly not awake i drank some pop, coffee is nasty, and then i need to shave, and i had a fantastic time it twas fun, and now i am hungrey again it has only been four hours, oh well, signing off for now bye bye
Ummm....StephenLynch rules!!! and by chance have you listened to the O&A show...when it was still on. Just wonderin cause you mentio Lynch, Mohr, and Black and they were regulars on the show before the drama that cause them to get taken off the air.
Dante sounds like a D&D character. You should post that jazz in your journal, then you can get all sorts of feedback.