i nothing profound to say so, i need a job that's about it, yeah need entertainment money, yes ciggs,movies,vid games oh my, well i'm off to bed i have nothing else to do but sleep none of my friends are online (sniffs) so i will weep quietly and do about 100 push-ups before i go to sleep, must have guns for the huns goodnight all you beautiful people
More Blogs
Sunday May 18, 2003
the lost all my pictures goddamnit, damn outage, that sucks the knife… -
Friday May 16, 2003
wahoo gonna try to get a plane ticket i am a praying Q:should … -
Thursday May 15, 2003
i hanged out with captainS most of the day, walked around done realll… -
Wednesday May 14, 2003
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Tuesday May 13, 2003
yesterday i got kicked out of pioneer square for spitting on the grou… -
Sunday May 11, 2003
wahooo i nominate myself for the fucked up life award, my life has go… -
Thursday May 08, 2003
fuck sleep i am not going to sleep, my schedule is all messed up,i ne… -
Wednesday May 07, 2003
i am too lazy to go in yo a long journal entry i sleep most of the d… -
Tuesday May 06, 2003
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Tuesday May 06, 2003
I am evil, tell me where you live, i won't hurt you...........much, i…