About the stephen lynch concert
It was fuckin Awesome i don't know what to say, i don't know if i ever had soooo much fun in my life god he was funny, And how Stephen interacted with the crowd oh god that was the shit, i mean i have only a few words to say about the night it was awesome i was i could say something profound or ssomthing but alast i cannot say something profound so i will say Fuckin A and fuck and shit and what a show i mean come on it fuckin rocked, i am a man of few words oh well, i just haddddd sooooo much fuuuuunnnn, i went with a friend i he loved it too, yes i have had a 'fix' for my obsession i think i won't need another fix for awhille god it was soo much fun, anyways, he signed my guitar and he signed a shirt for a friend, it was a fun night good night all and may stephen lynch bless your ears with his 'word'
It was fuckin Awesome i don't know what to say, i don't know if i ever had soooo much fun in my life god he was funny, And how Stephen interacted with the crowd oh god that was the shit, i mean i have only a few words to say about the night it was awesome i was i could say something profound or ssomthing but alast i cannot say something profound so i will say Fuckin A and fuck and shit and what a show i mean come on it fuckin rocked, i am a man of few words oh well, i just haddddd sooooo much fuuuuunnnn, i went with a friend i he loved it too, yes i have had a 'fix' for my obsession i think i won't need another fix for awhille god it was soo much fun, anyways, he signed my guitar and he signed a shirt for a friend, it was a fun night good night all and may stephen lynch bless your ears with his 'word'
Awesome man, can't wait to see more.
i wish there was a counter on every journal page so we could see how many read are journal but nooo it just seems like one cause i only see the response to my journal so i may never know, i just feel so helpless not knowing if people read this, i'm to go to sleep (cries himself to sleep)