Around the comic convention this past weekend, I also managed to go to a concert. I saw Rival Sons and Greta Van Fleet. Since the show was on the other side of Anaheim from the convention and starting an hour after the convention ended, it made it a no-brainer to go. I was there to see Rival Son, so I was a bit disappointed they...
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This weekend was spent down in Anaheim at WonderCon. I hadn't been to it before. My friend was there with his comic book. This time I managed to help his sell a few copies! Although, I still have no clue about what most of the cosplayers are dressed up as. 🤷
Apparently, Funko Pops are a bigger deal than I thought they were.
The life
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Since it has been raining here, I have been keeping my adventures to a bit of a minimum. I did make a stop by the location of the first McDonald's. It is in San Bernardino, California. The location has been turned into a kitchy museum full of random McDonald's memorabilia. I didn't know this place existed until a couple of weeks ago. It was free...
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This past weekend actually brought snow to Southern California. This is pure silliness. No way we can say climate change isn't real after experiencing that.
On the other side, I did eventually make it down to Anaheim to watch the sectional finals for high school basketball. Unfortunately for me, my old high school lost both the boys' and girls' finals. Going 0-2 on the day
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This week was a long one with work being a lot due to staff being out. It ended up where I was doing the work of four people. It was supposed to be only last Friday, but ended up being all week. I found my bearings after a couple of days and made it through. I was able to find a bit of joy with...
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I can say loneliness takes many forms. The backside of the holiday season has meant lots of time in the movie theater and roughly $1000 spent on Nikes. Despite my efforts, days can go by without any real human connect, but at least Nike never turns me down.
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After nearly two weeks out of my office, I went back in today. It was a largely rainy time away. There was still some adventures between the rain drops.
I ran into former professional basketball player Robert Horry when I went to watch high school basketball. We are all smiles before the trash talk about our teams (his team won the game). 😡
There was
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The Christmas holiday is officially in my rear view mirror for 2022. Nothing too notable happened; that can be a good thing and a bad thing, I suppose. Last night, I did drive through a neighborhood that has a bunch of houses decorated Christmas lights. I am taking a week away from my office in order to not be a jerk to my staff. As
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I went to the Comic Con in L.A. again this year. I mainly go to support an old friend of mine as he promotes his independent comic book. It is called Immortal Era. He told me he spoke to a talent scout from a movie studio and has a follow up call next week. I hope it goes well for him.
Seeing the people dressed
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The Thanksgiving holiday has come and gone. I never know what I am to this time of year. Not having a significant other, kids, or close friends means way too much time to myself. I have seen every movie playing in the theater which has remotely caught my interest. Maybe next year it will be a better time.
Thanks to the winds lately, the pool
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