Hi everyone,
I usually never do blogs specially if they dont have to do with my work and photography, but ive been having some hard times and I need to express myself.
I have a daughter. A puppy daugher. She is a almost 8years old pug and we had amazing years of adventures and love. She means the world to me, even more. She had a super active life and always was the joy of the house until she was diagnosed with diabetes almost two months ago. I thought maybe diabetes is a normal life disease and we could go thru it. But since she was diagnosed, she got blind and had pancreatitis (because she is so stubborn and somehow managed to eat a lot of garbage two weeks ago). She was recovering of it when we saw she was leaking infection thru her vagina... back to the vet. She had pyometra and need an urgent surgery. We did it this wednesday and she was recovering so good! But the post operatory food was so greasy that her liver got an attack... she has been thowing up all day and she is on her bones so its very critical. I jus got back from the vet, she got medicine and they hidratate her... but now we are home and I dont see she is getting better... and I just dont know what else to do. Have you ever been fighting for the recovery of someone you love? Have you loose someone you love? I have, but nothing seems so intense like this. Ive been having the worst weeks ever trying tomdo anything to make her better... we had the best 8 years ever with so many adventures and stories! I truly love this animal and really need some support words... thanks for reading in first way @missy @rambo. 💕💕
All my love