Hello all .... in the interests of exposing my softer, funnier side .. I will now begin every journal entry with a classic Simpsons quote. So here goes ....
Mr. Burns: This anonymous clan of slack-jawed troglodytes has cost me the election, and yet if I were to have them killed, I would be the one to go to jail. That's democracy for you.
Smithers: You are noble and poetic in defeat, sir.
Fucking hlarious!!!!!!!! Mr. Burns gets some of the best lines on that damn show. Well they all get brilliant lines ... I'll try to put something from each character. You know ... a little somethin for everyone!!!!
Unless you hate Simpsons ... in which case ... you may want to back away slowly from this journal. No loud noises, no sudden movements. I've been known to attack and annihlate for a lot less.
Today is all about the cheebs ... as in ohhhhhhh save me cheeeeebus ... then its off to take some pics of a friend's new tattoos. The Tattoo & Arts festival is here this weekend!!!!!!
Wooooooooooo hoooooooooo!!!! Me lovey the ink ..... and those who live by it.
Mr. Burns: This anonymous clan of slack-jawed troglodytes has cost me the election, and yet if I were to have them killed, I would be the one to go to jail. That's democracy for you.
Smithers: You are noble and poetic in defeat, sir.
Fucking hlarious!!!!!!!! Mr. Burns gets some of the best lines on that damn show. Well they all get brilliant lines ... I'll try to put something from each character. You know ... a little somethin for everyone!!!!
Unless you hate Simpsons ... in which case ... you may want to back away slowly from this journal. No loud noises, no sudden movements. I've been known to attack and annihlate for a lot less.
Today is all about the cheebs ... as in ohhhhhhh save me cheeeeebus ... then its off to take some pics of a friend's new tattoos. The Tattoo & Arts festival is here this weekend!!!!!!
Wooooooooooo hoooooooooo!!!! Me lovey the ink ..... and those who live by it.
He has a light, humorous writing style, too. So you can laugh through your tears.
I just checked and we are 4315 miles away from each other.
If you are feeling brave send your number to rac1977@mac.com, I talk quicker (and more british) than I type.
If not tell me how come you are stoned on a monday evening?!