I haven't had much spare time since I started school, it feels like I haven't been here in months. School is fun so far. Even though I can't stand my English class because I hate writing essays, I still managed to be one of the few people who actually got a passing grade on our first extended essay. It's been almost 10 years since I've done this kind of stuff and I've still got it! Man I'm good! I better not get too cocky, I might jinx myself.
My dog is still having problems, one of the new things being diabetes. I've decided to blow off the vets since they don't seem to know what they are doing anyways and have taken things into my own hands.
And I don't have lyme disease!

My dog is still having problems, one of the new things being diabetes. I've decided to blow off the vets since they don't seem to know what they are doing anyways and have taken things into my own hands.
And I don't have lyme disease!
I just wanted to say that your new set is stunning. It's just simple, beautiful, and classy. Your ink is amazing too!