I'm getting really excited to go back to school. I had orientation this week and found out that the college has changed the mortuary science program to a different type of degree. Instead of only having to take the two prerequisites of English and biology, I now have to take more general ed. classes. Kind of a bummer but oh well. My registration date is kind of late, making me a little worried that the classes might fill up.
I've started taking my dogs health into my own hands. The vets. don't really seem to know what they are doing and seem like they are just winging it. Spitzi started drinking and peeing uncontrolably, which I'm guessing means his liver or kidneys are having a hard time. Probably the four medications he's taking. So I've cut down on the less inportant ones that aren't doing much for him and will be switching to meds. from a homeopathic doctor. It will make things a bit cheaper. Right now I've been spending close to four hundred a month just on mdeication alone! If the herbal stuff doesn't help, I'm going to have to let him go. This makes me really sad. He's my first baby.
I've started taking my dogs health into my own hands. The vets. don't really seem to know what they are doing and seem like they are just winging it. Spitzi started drinking and peeing uncontrolably, which I'm guessing means his liver or kidneys are having a hard time. Probably the four medications he's taking. So I've cut down on the less inportant ones that aren't doing much for him and will be switching to meds. from a homeopathic doctor. It will make things a bit cheaper. Right now I've been spending close to four hundred a month just on mdeication alone! If the herbal stuff doesn't help, I'm going to have to let him go. This makes me really sad. He's my first baby.

You should be ok juggling both work and school. Your boyfriend might miss you a bit though. My sister is about to graduate her real soon and she worked full time, took classes, and did her internship all at the same time and managed. You will be fine.
And, I guess it's been awhile-- how is he now? Better, I hope.
I have several dogs myself. This not easy stuff.
Good luck.