I've finally moved!!! No more hippie potheads keeping me up all night, no cleaning up other peoples kitchen mess so I can cook, no bongs to trip over and spill stinky water,and no more waking up to a living room filled with 100 beer cans to clean up! I'm not one of those annoying, bitchy roomates; I keep my mouth shut; but I'm so happy to have a place to actually relax in when I come home, instead of hiding in a room. I will miss the crazies in the half way house next door, though. "Because you're a piece of shit, so fuck you! And if that's your kid I don't want to see him either! So fuck you!" I know this isn't funny to any one who hasn't heard this, but this coversation was a weekly, sometimes daily occurance, among others. I lived in a town in NH where the state mental institution was and had some good run ins with the patients. They're very interesting!

wanna see something i know you can appreciate?
i have already taken an esalen class, i am taking swedish, myofacial and all the other good stuff now, actually i graduate from that class in two weeks and soon i will be taking a reiki course and a medical massage class and a healing touch class...what kind of massage do you do?
i would ove to have another lady to talk rubbing with