we had a block passion pop-off last night, it was so classy. about 8 of us drank sooo much passion pop and goon it wasn't funny.
we then played never ever - playing this game whilst really drunk is very informative.
sooo much fun though. i love the uni life, getting trashed with great mates on a sunday night.
oh and afterwards at like 2... Read More
what is new in the world of frank you may ask?
why more injuries of course.
tendon damage around the ac joint in my right shoulder, scans and tests on friday to determine the extent of the damage. for now everything makes my arm hurt.
i love footy.
i just watched mirrormask. please tell me that you have all seen this movie, if not watch it now.
it is the most visually amazing thing i have ever watched.
on a side note how hot is gwen
on a note slightly further to the side - it is still unclear as to whether i will ever start writing longer entries again.
Ha, yeah, I'm pretty slow on the mod techs these days - NOT FOR LONG THOUGH! Hand me an ancient pc and I'll 98 your ass off... Computer programming hasn't been the same since Vis Basic went out in the ninteens... Nah I'm trying to get some cred back. The name change: quite frankly I'm moving with the times ...
well i just did something that i never thought i would do. i met people from here in real life, and you know what? they were nice people for real!
whatever was i scared of. i encourage you all to reach out to your fellow deviants and get together sometime. i know i enjoyed it.
if anyone hasn't checked out the latest pelican album
the fire in our thoats will beckon the thaw please do so as it is just amazing!
in other news ... hello
Starting from top to bottom - my nose is sore, my jaw is sore, my neck is sore, my right shoulder is sore, my left collarbone is sore, my lower back is sore, my left hamstring is sore, both my calves are sore, my right ankle is sore.
basically my frank is sore.
just in case you can't work it out the football season has... Read More