~Posted by TPO (Third-Person Omniscient)~

At some point he became fractal. He certainly had no conscious knowledge of this, but as he looked back on the past five years, he became certain that he was no longer of singular mind. If pressed as to why this was, he might shrug and put forth his best guess: that the cataclysmic blunders he'd committed since moving back...
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beautiful, lovely, fucking moving.
intro to two...

~posted by dustpan~
surviving off ebay sales at the moment. watching with detached amusement as bits and pieces of my life float away. i'll have to share the people inside with you all at some point. until then i'll let them hide, fractals both conjoining and disjoining a personality...both empowering and crippling. mostly crippling. the truly sad part is that this is...
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did you ever have trouble falling asleep for fear of what others would hear you murmur during dreams? perhaps a change in variables would only serve as a distraction from the monotony of routine insanity...at any rate, you are an incredible writer.