~posted by Paul~
Just putting the finishing touches on the day-long process of restoring my computer. I wiped the hard drive clean and reinstalled XP and every bloody program I have. Why did I do it you ask? Did I have some virus or unexplainable clutter that I could not get rid of? Why no!
So why, then?
Easy: OCD. I have this little thing called the Texas Bar Exam coming up in, oh, less than a month, and I am having a hard time motivating myself to study for it. Why that is is for another entry. A long, long entry.
Anyway, when I get stressed my OCD kicks in and I get an *uncontrollable* urge to organize. Suddenly everything feels out of place and cluttered. I get the wild thought that if I'd just put everything in the right place that somehow I'd be able to focus on the tasks at hand. So I look for the things that I think are fucked up (in my mind) and I attack them with a manical zeal usually reserved for those bent on total global domination...
The result is usually a hyper-organized target and a Paul that is back to square one.
Square one sucks.
Just putting the finishing touches on the day-long process of restoring my computer. I wiped the hard drive clean and reinstalled XP and every bloody program I have. Why did I do it you ask? Did I have some virus or unexplainable clutter that I could not get rid of? Why no!
So why, then?
Easy: OCD. I have this little thing called the Texas Bar Exam coming up in, oh, less than a month, and I am having a hard time motivating myself to study for it. Why that is is for another entry. A long, long entry.
Anyway, when I get stressed my OCD kicks in and I get an *uncontrollable* urge to organize. Suddenly everything feels out of place and cluttered. I get the wild thought that if I'd just put everything in the right place that somehow I'd be able to focus on the tasks at hand. So I look for the things that I think are fucked up (in my mind) and I attack them with a manical zeal usually reserved for those bent on total global domination...
The result is usually a hyper-organized target and a Paul that is back to square one.
Square one sucks.
wow i could never be ocd, itd drive me nuts