Hello loves 
I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas, or whatever holiday you choose to celebrate. I had the best one I've had in a long time. Not just because I got awesome gifts (which, don't get me wrong I definitely did
), but I was also surrounded by amazing people. It was nice to spend time with my family, and with my new second family. Got to meet a few more members of my loves family. It was good times. Had mulled wine for the first time made by my boyfriends sister. It was damn delicious to say the least. Ok now onto the goodies.
I finally got all my roller derby gear!! My boyfriend and his mom went together and got me an awesome set with skates and all the padding. These are my blue and black skates with my new sloth friend.

Here I am modeling. Gotta get used to all that padding for real haha.

There is a roller derby clinic later in January that I plan on attending. Wish me luck. Also if anyone has any roller derby name suggestions feel free
I'm big into cupcakes and I got this cute little dish to display them when I make fancy ones...

This is one of my favorite gifts by far. My sister made it for me and wrote me a lovely note on that back that made me cry when I read it. It's a quote from Brave, and it very much suits me. I couldn't wait to hang it up.

I also got a bunch of other awesome things. My sister's boyfriend got me the True Blood cookbook and I seriously can't wait to use it. I'm thinking strawberry pie may be the first thing I make. That or any of the mixed drinks they have in it. I just need to have a True Blood party.
Like I said, not only awesome stuff, but awesome people. I hope everyone had as much fun as I did over the holidays. I work tomorrow, but I'm hoping to get out early to get a kiss at midnight
Wish me luck. If you have someone to kiss then have fun. If not, just grab someone near by and start the new year the right way
Ok I'm off to take a bubble bath. Much love.

I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas, or whatever holiday you choose to celebrate. I had the best one I've had in a long time. Not just because I got awesome gifts (which, don't get me wrong I definitely did

I finally got all my roller derby gear!! My boyfriend and his mom went together and got me an awesome set with skates and all the padding. These are my blue and black skates with my new sloth friend.

Here I am modeling. Gotta get used to all that padding for real haha.

There is a roller derby clinic later in January that I plan on attending. Wish me luck. Also if anyone has any roller derby name suggestions feel free

I'm big into cupcakes and I got this cute little dish to display them when I make fancy ones...

This is one of my favorite gifts by far. My sister made it for me and wrote me a lovely note on that back that made me cry when I read it. It's a quote from Brave, and it very much suits me. I couldn't wait to hang it up.

I also got a bunch of other awesome things. My sister's boyfriend got me the True Blood cookbook and I seriously can't wait to use it. I'm thinking strawberry pie may be the first thing I make. That or any of the mixed drinks they have in it. I just need to have a True Blood party.
Like I said, not only awesome stuff, but awesome people. I hope everyone had as much fun as I did over the holidays. I work tomorrow, but I'm hoping to get out early to get a kiss at midnight

I'll listen.
Thanks for the comment!
Have a great new year!