So I made a Tumblr. I mean I so needed another thing to check daily on the internet right?? Well I'll post the link to in when I actually have something in it. I'm sure it will be really emotional and deep like one of those tragic scene kids. Or maybe it will just be another place for me to post pictures on haha. I need to put my camera to use more this summer.
I have a question for everyone, anyone. I need to figure out how to use one of those RSS feed thingys. I tried to start one through Google once, but I wasn't able to get it to work for some reason.
I mean I have Suicide Girls, Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Youtube, and now a damn Tumblr haha. It seems like it would be useful. So if you could help me multitask better I would appreciate it. And I don't know if Etsy could be connected in all that, but that would be nice as well. Oh and my Netflix ratings. Haha ok that's it I swear.
Ok I gotta get off my ass and make dinner. I'll be making chicken pasta with veggies tonight. And I'll be sipping on some blueberry, pomegranate, and grape juice. YUMS!!
I wish I could scream like this girl btw...(pay no mind to the random Anime pictures)
I have a question for everyone, anyone. I need to figure out how to use one of those RSS feed thingys. I tried to start one through Google once, but I wasn't able to get it to work for some reason.
I mean I have Suicide Girls, Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Youtube, and now a damn Tumblr haha. It seems like it would be useful. So if you could help me multitask better I would appreciate it. And I don't know if Etsy could be connected in all that, but that would be nice as well. Oh and my Netflix ratings. Haha ok that's it I swear.
Ok I gotta get off my ass and make dinner. I'll be making chicken pasta with veggies tonight. And I'll be sipping on some blueberry, pomegranate, and grape juice. YUMS!!
I wish I could scream like this girl btw...(pay no mind to the random Anime pictures)
I started a Tumbler about a month ago thinking that it would be an easier way to upload photos to more than one social network at a time and I have only used it once. It seems like it may end up being one more social network I have that just sits there sadly
You are lovely. SO many little things I like about how you look. <3