I don't know what to say. I really just want to post pictures haha. Hmmmm maybe something will come to me as I upload this shit...
I think I mentioned a while back that I had received a huge package in the mail and I had more fun with the box than what was actually in it...

Those peanuts are such a bitch to clean up haha.
I like this picture. Not bad for a camera phone.

I have the most eclectic taste in music. I think if someone actually saw what was all on my iPod they would think I'm crazy. I'm not sure I should list what I just downloaded because I don't want everyone to think I'm super lame. Lets just say "Ease on Down the Road" is currently playing. If you can name what that's from you might be a dork like me

That's me tonight after work. And now I'm in my PJs...

I like this song. Whatev...
I did the dance from the video in highschool in a recital. It probably didn't look that awesome haha. If I could do it now I'm sure I'd do it much better.
Payday isn't getting here fast enough. Holy balls gas was $2.97 today?!?!
I didn't get any haha.
I was training girl at work today and I laughed at the word testicles. Yes I'm immature I know.
Nothing I'm writing about seems to be worth writing more than one sentence for. haha.
I have to wake up and clean.
I really want to go to the bar.
I kinda miss my friends. Since my friend moved out everyone has stopped talking as much and it makes me sad.
I fucking hate closed minded/racist/asshole/pieces of shits that live in the same state as I do.
It really makes me sick to my stomach that people can be so hateful. They have no idea what they are talking about. I'm sure if you asked any of those assholes what the definition of socialism or communism is they wouldn't be able to answer you. They are so fucking contradictory it makes me ill. Fucking Christians my ass. Go to hell. No really go to hell.
Fuck fuck shit fuck.
Ok I'm going to bed now
I hope you enjoyed my completely random blogness.
I think I mentioned a while back that I had received a huge package in the mail and I had more fun with the box than what was actually in it...

Those peanuts are such a bitch to clean up haha.
I like this picture. Not bad for a camera phone.

I have the most eclectic taste in music. I think if someone actually saw what was all on my iPod they would think I'm crazy. I'm not sure I should list what I just downloaded because I don't want everyone to think I'm super lame. Lets just say "Ease on Down the Road" is currently playing. If you can name what that's from you might be a dork like me

That's me tonight after work. And now I'm in my PJs...

I like this song. Whatev...
I did the dance from the video in highschool in a recital. It probably didn't look that awesome haha. If I could do it now I'm sure I'd do it much better.
Payday isn't getting here fast enough. Holy balls gas was $2.97 today?!?!

I was training girl at work today and I laughed at the word testicles. Yes I'm immature I know.
Nothing I'm writing about seems to be worth writing more than one sentence for. haha.
I have to wake up and clean.
I really want to go to the bar.
I kinda miss my friends. Since my friend moved out everyone has stopped talking as much and it makes me sad.
I fucking hate closed minded/racist/asshole/pieces of shits that live in the same state as I do.
It really makes me sick to my stomach that people can be so hateful. They have no idea what they are talking about. I'm sure if you asked any of those assholes what the definition of socialism or communism is they wouldn't be able to answer you. They are so fucking contradictory it makes me ill. Fucking Christians my ass. Go to hell. No really go to hell.
Fuck fuck shit fuck.
Ok I'm going to bed now

I remember my mom got this box when we gt our new refrigerator when I was like eight
dude that box was the shit!
I don't know why or what we did
but awesome ensued