Well well here we are...
Sorry for the emo entry last time. It was just a bad day I suppose.
Something pretty sweet happened shortly after I wrote that though. I found out I won that contest I was talking about
So I get to have a portrait of myself painted by Alexander Nash. And if you don't know his stuff go check it out because it's god damn awesome.
I just need to hurry up and picture one some pictures to send to him so he can start it. Eppp!! I'm so excited you have no idea.
Let's see what else.
Sometimes I like to browse the ckyalliance.com forums. I'm not sure why I even bother because it never fails that some dude talks to me like I'm trash every time I post. Here's a quote I got from some guy when I posted in some thread...
"well then go the fuck away for good. its not like you add anything to the forum anyways. your claim to fame is that you take off your clothes for a third rate shitty porn site. and with a site full of nasty ass puss, you fall through the cracks and take the cake as one of the ugliest. congrats.
oh woah is you!
shut the fuck up already."
Isn't that nice of him. People are so tough when they're typing on the internet. I bet he has a small penis.
Alright I'm off gotta sleep or something. Much love <3
Sorry for the emo entry last time. It was just a bad day I suppose.
Something pretty sweet happened shortly after I wrote that though. I found out I won that contest I was talking about

I just need to hurry up and picture one some pictures to send to him so he can start it. Eppp!! I'm so excited you have no idea.
Let's see what else.
Sometimes I like to browse the ckyalliance.com forums. I'm not sure why I even bother because it never fails that some dude talks to me like I'm trash every time I post. Here's a quote I got from some guy when I posted in some thread...
"well then go the fuck away for good. its not like you add anything to the forum anyways. your claim to fame is that you take off your clothes for a third rate shitty porn site. and with a site full of nasty ass puss, you fall through the cracks and take the cake as one of the ugliest. congrats.
oh woah is you!
shut the fuck up already."
Isn't that nice of him. People are so tough when they're typing on the internet. I bet he has a small penis.
Alright I'm off gotta sleep or something. Much love <3
Also, congratulations on winning that contest! That's awesome!