Hey everyone, what's up?! It's been awhile. So let's talk about that for a sec.
I haven't felt comfortable to post on pretty much any of my sites. For a copious amount of reasons.
I am working on feeling better about my personal image on a few different fronts. One in particular is my weight gain.
I have pretty much backed out of many opportunities this last year over fear the photographers will have something to say about my weight. Its something I have been working to get over and feel more secure about. But, obviously the thoughts creep in -- even when you are trying your best.
So I am looking for photographers in the Orlando or North Orlando area. Ones I can get to know and genuinely feel comfortable with prior to shooting. I for sure want to shoot with more fem photographers this year. But am open to any identity really.
I also have taken time away from my model/creator friends. Still anxious but hopeful I can mend and create more friendships within the community.
But with that said, I am also FINALLY feeling somewhat comfortable enough to do cosplays and have some in mind already.
I would love to finally do a multi-set, a cosplay set, and many other ideas. I would love to make more creator/model friends. And I would love to go back to creating something I am truly happy to put into the world.
I miss yall so much. Thank you for reading <3