I haven't updated in so long. Work has been sucking the life force out of me! I sit in front of a computer all day so when I get home going on my computer is the last thing I want to do. Other than that life is great at the moment. My birthday is coming up in two weeks.....yay for 22. I still remember being little and wondering what my life would be like when i was in my 20's. I don't think I pictured this. I took a sick day from work because i woke up with a terrible headache, this past week was super stressful with planning for our company Christmas party, which i was told i was running at the last possible moment. it's all good though everyone got tanked and it was fun times. The stress of it all is just wearing off. in lighter more exciting news the boy and i got engaged a few months back
which is so crazy exciting i'm still not over it. now i'm just worried about being able to afford a wedding and all that planning....i think a few more of these tension headache are on the horizon. hope everyone out there is doing well and getting excited for Christmas. i finally get a proper Christmas this year because of my job so i can't wait!

I pity the fool who doesn''t love honor and respect you!