So I got the "promotion" I applied for at work. Very pleased about it, even though I hate workin there sometimes. I at least am guaranteed more hours than i'm getting now. I also have an interview for a really kick ass job on friday which i'm nervous/excited about. It for a laboratory tech position which would be so perfect for me because it pays waaaaaaaaay more and i would get to be around science geeks like me! I hope I get the job although I'll feel super guilty about getting a promotion and then quitting
. Well a little guilty at least.
So I have a funny story that's going to make me look super blonde and stupid. The other day I came home early from work because I was sick. My body has been revolting in every possible way due to the antibiotics i was on when i got my wisdom teeth out. Anyways obviously in my haste to get into my cozy bed i stuffed my iPod into my lunch bag instead of my purse. Long story short my lunch bag went into the fridge as did my iPod for an entire day before i realized it the next afternoon. I'm sincerely hoping it's not broken, it seems to work. But i still feel stupid for putting it in the fucking fridge. hope everyone out there is doing well. I'm hoping i'm going to start feeling better soon, i hate feeling like crap all the time.

So I have a funny story that's going to make me look super blonde and stupid. The other day I came home early from work because I was sick. My body has been revolting in every possible way due to the antibiotics i was on when i got my wisdom teeth out. Anyways obviously in my haste to get into my cozy bed i stuffed my iPod into my lunch bag instead of my purse. Long story short my lunch bag went into the fridge as did my iPod for an entire day before i realized it the next afternoon. I'm sincerely hoping it's not broken, it seems to work. But i still feel stupid for putting it in the fucking fridge. hope everyone out there is doing well. I'm hoping i'm going to start feeling better soon, i hate feeling like crap all the time.
i'm very well, everything in my life is really positive right now
best wishes always, xox jen