My internet died yesterday and I felt so lost without it. It's sad really but all it took was for Nick to push one button and it was fixed. YAY!. I wrapped all my christmas presents today, i'm so not in the christmas mood this year mostly because i'm sick of work and cranky demanding crafters who think it's my fault they've left their shopping to the last minute and we're sold out of thing. I always love when there's one customer who's so sweet and it just makes it all worth it. my cat is currently chasing her tail and falling off the couch at the same time. she's weird. i got all my grades for my classes and i did pretty well, nothing below a B but i'm still oddly unsatisfied. meh it's done and i'm happy. i can't wait until christmas because it'll be my first day off since i don't know when. like really a day where i have no work and no homework to do. it's going to be grand. anyway i must go get ready to go work or the hole as i've re-named it. hope everyone's holidays are going well 

the internet at my house is down too, apparantly. and my dad and brother who usually fix it for me are on holiday, damn! so i am using my boyfriend's, heehee!
but my holidays are still going very well and hope yours are too!
best wishes xox