ugh. i'm sick which means no double date tonight. we were going to go ice skating, which sounds like fun but also makes me feel like i'm back in highschool. i really don't want to go to work tomorrow. maybe they'll be nice and let me go home early. HA! oh wow i haven't laughed that hard in awhile. at least i've already written three exams so i only have one left, it just sucks because i have no motivation/energy to study. i think i just feel extra shitty because i only got two hours of sleep last night, hopefully tonight will be better. hope you are all doing well.
oh no, i'm sorry you're ill
back in the day i went on a few double dates with my older sister - AWKWARD!
gooood luck with your last exam and getting your sleep back in routine.
best wishes, hope your christmas week is going splendidly xox