Overall i had a pretty kick ass birthday. feeling more loved and spoiled than ever by my family and my boy. made up for the fact that i felt pretty neglected by my friends only one of whom bothered to actually phone and wish me a happy birthday only to bitch at me when i told her i couldn't hang out because i had to study. but enough of that whining, got to spend a wonderful evening with the family having a very fancy dinner. got a digital camera which i totally wasn't expecting and gorgeous bracelet from the boy which i adore. today wasn't such a good day however as i was almost run over by an old woman on my way home from a very long frustrating study session. i quite literally had to run out of the way or this old woman would have taken me out with her car. i think at retirement age it should be mandatory to have a driving assessment ever year after that to determine if you are fit to be on the road, because she sure wasn't and i almost ended up with a broken leg. i can't wait for this week to be over three exams, two of which are tomorrow and none of which i feel even remotely ready for. oh well not much i can do other than give it my best shot.
yay for family making you feel special
i completely agree with the mandatory driving test for ageing citizens, it's a matter of public safety!
best wishes fragments xox
or if you can't afford it, please just spread the word. all support is appreciated!
happy holidays xox