I was reading my friends lj tonight she was talking about what happened the day her father passed away. He died very suddenly while driving to his mother's house...he wasn't feeling well so he pulled over to the side of the road, put his hazards on and called 911. He was dead before the paramedics arrived. I only met him a couple of times in my life but I remember him being incredibly kind and funny. reading her description of going to see him in the morgue and her mother's reaction made me sob, I cannot imagine losing someone you have spent you entire life with, had two children with, you're best friend. Let alone losing you're father. I cried for half an hour after reading it and I still get choked up thinking about it, I've fallen out of touch with this friend over the years but I have fond memories of her. I've never met someone quite and quirky and unique as her and I sincerely miss her and wish her and her family the best in the coming months.

very true. Thanks