I think my shower hates me....yes that\'s right I said it. There\'s nothing quite like having a shower that runs scalding hot and freezing cold. sometimes I hate apartment living. Thanksgiving this past weekend....2 dinners in two days led to me not being able to look at food yesterday morning....I felt kinda ill so i thought some dry toast would help to settle my stomach as soon as the toast popped i threw it straight into the garbage...bleg. spending 5 plus hours with the bf\'s fam is a little more than I can handle. There\'s something about a father who does nothing...and i mean nothing around the house that just irks me. not to mention he\'s a \"musician\" (i use that term lightly because in the year that i\'ve known him he\'s been working on the exact same song) so he\'s always worried about getting sick because then he can\'t record (which i have on good authority is complete bullshit apparently) anyways i get sick a lot and when i do i get treated like a leper even though i\'m not contagious anymore he makes this huge fuss about it and won\'t come anywhere near me for the whole time i\'m there. doesn\'t make a person feel to great i gotta say. anyways his greeting on monday before he even said hi or happy thanksgiving was \"are you sick?\". I just about turned around and went home, I have no idea how my boyfriend put up with that for 20 years. My best friend keeps telling me that I don\'t have to like them I just have to tolerate them, but I still feel bad. anyways there\'s my random babble for my very first blog if you made it this far congratulations.....
and thanks.
