I had an excellent week-end!
First, on Friday I went with my best friend in a mechanic to buy his very first car. He bought an Austin Mini, it is too cute!!!

All that has me to give again desire for moving me to have quickly my driving licence!
On saturday, I went to Paris to see RoBERT in concert at the "espace Pierre Cardin". It was wonderful!!! Her best concert up to now, she made enormous progress to manage her stress on scene. lol
On Sunday, Glenn came to seek me for one ballade with Cerise. We went in his parents, and it is the first time that I saw their wolves. They have got wolves of Ukraine. Their size is impressive. I took photos but I do not know if one realizes in photograph well.
See here:
And the cherry on the cake, which made my weekend even more marvellous: Desmobile request me friendship. I will be able to enter in his world and I finally will really be able to make a pact with the devil. I was never so happy!
how little!!