Hello Suicide's people!
I am today a woman filled in my musical world!
In fact, at first I have my place for the concert of RoBERT, who will take place on March 17 in Paris. I'm very exciting cause that made a long time that I didn't see Robert in concert, and it is the first time that I will see her singing extracts of her last album "Six pieds sous terre"!
For those which don't know Robert:
It is an old clip but I didn't find better on youtube
I am today a woman filled in my musical world!

In fact, at first I have my place for the concert of RoBERT, who will take place on March 17 in Paris. I'm very exciting cause that made a long time that I didn't see Robert in concert, and it is the first time that I will see her singing extracts of her last album "Six pieds sous terre"!
For those which don't know Robert:
It is an old clip but I didn't find better on youtube

Moreover, I have finally the first video extract of the last live of Mylene Farmer. Highly on December 4 that I re-examine it in entirety!
Avant que l'ombre...
And, to add to my good mood, here my last acquisition in shoes:
Besides that, I am preparing a new set, I hope that it will be successful...
Kisses all!
je devais mefaire oprer, et c'est fait! suis rentre la maison, toute rpare, prte affronter le monde de plus belle!