I have just spent one week of holidays in my sister to Perpignan. I've had some funs!! Shopping was especially made. But I have also to visit a place called "Le tropique des papillons", it was really splendid! One walked among hundreds of butterflies! And they told a very pretty history over there that I will tell you in my turn.
"On raconte qu'il y a bien longtemps, une demoiselle papillon tomba amoureuse d'une goutte de rose si belle, si fine et si dlicate qu'on eu dit une perle rare. Ce qu'ils firent ensemble est trs banal. Et un matin, l'heure indcise et feutre qui prcde le jour, le papillon s'envola, fragile comme un songe. Restaient les oeufs. Des oeufs extraordinaires, tous diffrents. De l'oeuf noir sorti le buffle, du bariol bondi le tigre, de l'allong rampa le dragon, de l'oeuf vide gronda le tonnerre et du jaune naquit l'homme. Hlas les quatre autres avaient pourri : ils engendrrent toutes les calamits de la Terre".
I will try to translate this history to you into English:
"It is told that a long ago, a young lady butterfly fell in love with a dewdrop so beautiful, so fine and so delicate that one said a rare pearl. What they did together is very banal. And a morning, at the undecided and felted hour which precedes the day, the butterfly flew away, fragile like a dream. Remained the eggs. Extraordinary eggs, all different. Black egg left the buffalo, the multi-coloured one leaped the tiger, lengthened crawled the dragon, of empty egg thundered the thunder and from the yellow was born the man. Alas the four others had rotted: they generated all the calamities of the Earth ".
I took some photographs:
In fact, I passed from very good holidays, but now my sister misses me. And I don't know when I will see her the next time.
I wanted to also benefit from it to introduce my best friend to you: Glenn
And me and my bestfriend at piano:
I kiss you all, with very soon!
I have just spent one week of holidays in my sister to Perpignan. I've had some funs!! Shopping was especially made. But I have also to visit a place called "Le tropique des papillons", it was really splendid! One walked among hundreds of butterflies! And they told a very pretty history over there that I will tell you in my turn.
"On raconte qu'il y a bien longtemps, une demoiselle papillon tomba amoureuse d'une goutte de rose si belle, si fine et si dlicate qu'on eu dit une perle rare. Ce qu'ils firent ensemble est trs banal. Et un matin, l'heure indcise et feutre qui prcde le jour, le papillon s'envola, fragile comme un songe. Restaient les oeufs. Des oeufs extraordinaires, tous diffrents. De l'oeuf noir sorti le buffle, du bariol bondi le tigre, de l'allong rampa le dragon, de l'oeuf vide gronda le tonnerre et du jaune naquit l'homme. Hlas les quatre autres avaient pourri : ils engendrrent toutes les calamits de la Terre".
I will try to translate this history to you into English:
"It is told that a long ago, a young lady butterfly fell in love with a dewdrop so beautiful, so fine and so delicate that one said a rare pearl. What they did together is very banal. And a morning, at the undecided and felted hour which precedes the day, the butterfly flew away, fragile like a dream. Remained the eggs. Extraordinary eggs, all different. Black egg left the buffalo, the multi-coloured one leaped the tiger, lengthened crawled the dragon, of empty egg thundered the thunder and from the yellow was born the man. Alas the four others had rotted: they generated all the calamities of the Earth ".
I took some photographs:
In fact, I passed from very good holidays, but now my sister misses me. And I don't know when I will see her the next time.
I wanted to also benefit from it to introduce my best friend to you: Glenn
And me and my bestfriend at piano:
I kiss you all, with very soon!
je suis con...avec une pseudo comme a....j'aurais du m'en apercevoir avant !
les photos noiretblanc...me font penser a certaines periode de Jad Wio...j'aime beaucoup^^