I got my hair did! I had a friend put red and black tracks in it. Its a fucking great contrast to my bleach blonde hair. It looks rad. Ill put a pic up once i steal one from tammy. Tammy is the new girl i hired at work. She is a blast. We played dress up today. I had a sword and tiara on i rule! I have a crush on a boy finally! I think he likes me too.
Some really bad scary stuff happened to a friend and i am trying my best to be there for him. I hope things are ok in the end. Welp I have to clean with the roomates. Oh yea my awesome roomate Jen got engaged this weekend. Her ring is beautiful. She is so happy. She deserves it. If i dont update before hand have a good weekend everyone!

your fraggle rock tattoo is the COOLEST thing ive EVER seen! do ya know the names of ALL the main fraggles? i actually am trying to be a fraggle for halloween this year..but im not sure if i can pull it off!
awww! toni has a crush