Man I didnt want this weekend to end. It seemed like it took forever for it to come. And then at the last mintue things took a turn for the worst but within an hour everything was gravy. Saturday xviolentxbeautyx and I went to Norfolk to see a boy I have crush on. I had no idea how far of a drive that was. Not fun (seeing him was fun but not the drive). Sunday we went to NYC to see Alston. I had a blast. I spent my money for the week on booze so all I ate today was a poptart. Hehehe! I meet alot of new awesome people. I made alot of inside jokes with xviolentxbeautyx we crack ourselves up! Work went by slow today. I ran a mile on the tredmill! Im so proud. I never workout and I did and didnt quit. Go me! I get paid tomorrow. Im going to bed. No kareoke for me tontie im a lameo

hahaha yes to tired.... so tired I slept from 7pm tueday night till 6:30 am Wednsday morning! Now its off to work.......... BLAH!
yay for time could you run a mile or two for me?