Yay another work week is over. Tonite im hanging out with friends i havent seen in forever. Kareoke was a blast. I had diarreha of the mouth and made an ass of myself but it was funny. I just woke up from a nap and its 9 oclock friday nite. Imma go shower and head out for the nite. Hopefully tomorrow nite ill get to hang out with moo moo and shenee'. Oh yea i forgot bingo. Classic nite at bingo. The old ladies yelled at us again for laughing. I won but I let shenee' yell bingo and keep the money ( it was only 13 bucks) Wow showgirls is on but on vhi so i wont show the good stuff. boo. There is a hot pic of rachel rotten in this months avn. It excites me. Im going to end this random journal entry. Time to shower and get my drink on.

have one for me, i'm still recovering from night out wednesday...

yay moo moo time!!!!!!!!!!!