Yay for Bingo wednesdays! Its funny to play bingo with old ladies when your pierced and tattooed. Great fun. Work sucks. I interviewed someone today and im interviewing someone tomorrow. I hope they dont suck. I hit on a hot chubby guy today. He actually applied to work at my store and I was like I cant hire you cuz your hot and then he asked me for my number. Go me! ( i dont know where I got the balls from). I hope he calls cuz if he doesnt he needs to find a new place to buy porn.
I always tease my mom about getting her a rabbit since I work at a porn store. Today I got bored and decided to make her an easter basket. I got candy and that grass stuff and little eggs but insted of filling the eggs with candy I filled them with lube and toy cleaner. I got her a bad ass purple rabbit. She seems curious enough to try it. I hope she does momma needs stress reliever.

happy easter ^_^