Florida was a blast. I was so glad that starry_eyed went it made it funner (which is a word). Meeting moo moo matt was fun stuff. Losing 50 bucks at the casino was maybe not so fun. I think its a pretty safe bet that 20% of the people that work for the oriles think we are nuts. The truck driver voice was the hotness. We should have stoped at the peterbuilt plant to check out the new models
. I miss the beach already. Swimmig in the ocean was fun cold but fun. It was back to work monday morning. I work with the dumbest people. NOTHING i mean nothing was done right. There is suposed to be 200 in the register at all times. there was 54. WTF??? someone layed 80 bucks to the side and didnt tell anyone. They are stupid. On a side note Im going to philly this saturday hopefully with stary_eyed but if she cant go anyone else want to go ( people i know not random sg strangers)?

glad to hear that you had fun in fl. & congratulations on working with dumbasses like i do.
glad you had a great time in Florida...i want to go back!