Finally a day off. Well acutally yesterday was suposed to be my day off but I went in to help my manager out. Well when I was leaving work I noticed my tire needed air so I went to the gas sation to fill it up. On my way home not even 5 mins down the road my tire is flat again. I called my dad he came and put the doughnut on ( I know how to change a tire I just didnt want to). He doesnt belive I acutally put air in my tire and is really pissed at me. I have no car because I had to order a tire and that takes a week. Blah. I didnt go out at all this week and I really want to but Im not feeling up to it. Im still not feeling up to par and im always tired. Im suposed to be cleaning the house right now but I really dont feel like it. I never talk to anyone anymore cuz my cell phone bill was so expensive im scared to use it. Ok enough of this back to playing online.
sorry your energy level and tire both went flat. Hope you get back up to speed soon.
good luck with your tire and yea to days off!!!