Ok so today is a better day..I'm feeling better. Might even go to hardcore karoke tonite (maybe i need to learn to spell that word). I bought this memebership for myself and greg and today greg saw just how great it really is. I spent hours looking at Quinne. She is beautimus. Greg went on a "coo" hunt through the profiles. He got kinda mad that there were cleaverly placed props. I think its funny. Adam told me to look at the groups for one in md and stuff and I found a muppets group. How great is that. I need to get some pics up here(no nakie ones). I think its time to make a date with my digital.
Me seeing my friends doing it wont make me do it. Trust me no one online wants to see me naked.
I highly doubt I will ever be naked on the internet and by highly doubt I mean never.