My tattoo is looking alot better. I have been putting neosporin cream on it to keep the infection down. It has finally stopped oozing yellow stuff. I found a house in NC. I go next tuesday to look at it and hopefully sign the lease. Its a 2 bedroom for only 550$ a month. Sorry for those of you that live in Maryland and want to vomit at the price ( it still makes me a bit queezy). I dont remember but if anyone of my SG friends is from NC send me a message cuz I wont know anyone except my boyfriend's friends and they will probably tire of me. I hope everyone had a good weekend.
Damn that's a nice deal. Sucks that you're moving, but as long as you're happy I'm happy. Just promise me you won't adopt those southern customs of not having teeth and inbreeding.

Name a time and place, just not this weekend.