The trip to see the boy was (to quote my jamielee cuz no one says it quite like her) FANTASTIC! From what I have come to understand all his friends like me and one said " I was cute as a button." That made me giggle. I didnt want to leave. Actually I left way later than I should of and didnt get home till 9:30 this morning, which is when I had to be at work. Here I am squeakly clean and I have been up since 2:30 this morning. Sheesh. I want food. Im off to search.
More Blogs
Tuesday Nov 24, 2009
All the time guys bitch about their booty calls going crazy and gett… -
Sunday Nov 15, 2009
Today was a better day. My days are always wonderful when I get to s… -
Saturday Nov 14, 2009
Since I never sleep anymore and need to find new things to do on the … -
Monday Jul 13, 2009
I have rug burn on my lower butt/upper leg from sliding down the stai… -
Wednesday Jul 08, 2009
I didnt even know i still had a memebership. Yay for newly single an… -
Tuesday Nov 27, 2007
Ok yeah wow its been a mintue since I have been on this site. I didn… -
Wednesday Mar 28, 2007
Im scared. My dad had his surgery today to remove his lympnodes infe… -
Wednesday Mar 14, 2007
I see no point in blogging nemore since no on reads ..or reads but do… -
Sunday Mar 04, 2007
I dont want your simpathy. I dont want your pitty. I just want a pl… -
Wednesday Feb 28, 2007
Stop the world I want to get off......
I can't come visit you at work until I get my new car. So next week I will do my best to come to your shop. You can advise me on a new and more adventurous vibrator. Love you, sweetums!