Please dont take this as me being unappreciative its just me bumming and venting a bit. At least once a day someone tells me im awesome. It makes me feel great and thank you to everyone that has sent kind words my way. But why is it that the people I want to see how awesome I am dont. Did they not get the memo that im a fun girl? What the fuck? I want a fun boy for like me for me not string me along and not talk to me. It seems that there are some boys that like me and thats great but im not into them. I do want a boyfriend but I dont excatly know what I want. I know I dont want to be in a crazy tied down "i love you lets get married" sorta thing. Just fun. Errr I hate this and I hate that stupid boy for making me feel like shit.

I hate that stupid boy for making you feel like shit too. Can I kick him in the nuts? You are fantastic, and there is a boy somewhere just waiting to meet you. He is telling his friends right now "where is my awesome pierced and blue-haired girl that I can have fun with??" You'll find him, sweetie. Someone with a heart as beautiful as yours will find him.

typical female---> "I dont excatly know what I want". if u dont want the "I love u lets get married" kinda relationship then u need to stay out of the Love World cuz love leeds to marriage and stuff like that. u need more time alone to think about what u want and need cuz ur last serious relationship wasnt the greatest