Friday nite Moo moo, bakey and myself went to the umbc field house to see Reggie and the full effect, alkaline trio and My chemical romance. Aside from the bullshit I had a great time. After the show we went to flecthers where we meet up with the hottest prom date ever jamielee and my new favorite person Andy. Much fun i love those guys. Saturday I got called into work and was not happy. While at work saturday my friend Cynthia that works next door told me she was going to the gwar show. I nearly pissed myself. She is a very sheltered jewish girl that had no idea what she had signed up for. Once i told her not to wear nice clothes cuz of the fake blood she freaked and told me i was going with her. My roommate Pinky and friend Steve decided they were going to go too. Im not into Gwar's music but the show was awesome. Today I got tattooed. Its smiley the worm from sesame street its so fucking cute im jealous of my own arm.

I <3<3<3<3 you!!!!!!!!! It was amazing seeing you on Friday. I can't wait until KARAOKE!! I will molest you. Just a warning. 

I wanted to wish you a very Happy Halloween.