oy, the design/setup of the site changed *again* while i was out... oy...
how can i begin to describe how Europe was? i *need* to get back there is all i can really say. Prague strikes me as a magic place; i don't really know how to describe it... it was wierd, i had the feeling, going around in the buses, that these were people who looked more like me, than folks usually do... I had this weird experience on the plane, going over there, when i was looking at the map on the tv screens, showing us our path and how far we had to go, and it showed the plane getting really close to Germany, where i've never been, and my mind thought "we're almost home!" and two seconds later: "oh my god i did *not* just think that..." i have to resist the urge to refer to Prague as "home" right now... i was only there for 7 days and then we went to Vienna cause that was Mom's wish... Mozart-land... i really dug Prague tho, the medieval-ness of it all, and the people are really strangely modest and quiet too, which i kind of dug... i was told before we left that the Czechs are actually a quiet and shy people; which was wierd for me to hear since i guess i've been identifying racially as Czech. but once we were there, it wasn't really that wierd; it kind of made sense, that attitude. it's like; what is there really to be noisy and show-offy about? the shy-ness thing didn't really show itself too much, but you could kinda tell it was there, just under the surface a little bit. hard to explain. i *really* didn't want to go back to LA. It was funny too, that we got on the plane in fabulous green Frankfurt, and then later we're coming in real close to the big discusting basin of LA and it was SO dirty-looking and nasty. none of the German folks on the plane were smiling as we landed: it was so smoggy that the buildings right outside were almost invisible. I was actually already going to be a little sad to be back, and it was as if the universe was just having a hay-day with that: like making LA look as nasty as it could *possibly* get. I'm actually, at this moment, not really as eager to move to LA, the way i was before i was in Europe. i don't mean to sound all bitter or whatever; it just doesn't seem like it's actually my kind of place, once it gets down to it. I don't know though; maybe i still will... you can never tell, with me: my life changes by the nanosecond and i never know where my head's gonna be ten minutes from now...
in other news, i got laid off this last week
the glass shop isn't doing very well: Pomona is really just a brutal place to try to do business: no one's got money to spend on stuff. i've been looking for a job, again... i'm always looking for a damn job, it seems... how can it have been a year out of school and i still manage to be friggin unemployed? sigh... i just don't know...
how can i begin to describe how Europe was? i *need* to get back there is all i can really say. Prague strikes me as a magic place; i don't really know how to describe it... it was wierd, i had the feeling, going around in the buses, that these were people who looked more like me, than folks usually do... I had this weird experience on the plane, going over there, when i was looking at the map on the tv screens, showing us our path and how far we had to go, and it showed the plane getting really close to Germany, where i've never been, and my mind thought "we're almost home!" and two seconds later: "oh my god i did *not* just think that..." i have to resist the urge to refer to Prague as "home" right now... i was only there for 7 days and then we went to Vienna cause that was Mom's wish... Mozart-land... i really dug Prague tho, the medieval-ness of it all, and the people are really strangely modest and quiet too, which i kind of dug... i was told before we left that the Czechs are actually a quiet and shy people; which was wierd for me to hear since i guess i've been identifying racially as Czech. but once we were there, it wasn't really that wierd; it kind of made sense, that attitude. it's like; what is there really to be noisy and show-offy about? the shy-ness thing didn't really show itself too much, but you could kinda tell it was there, just under the surface a little bit. hard to explain. i *really* didn't want to go back to LA. It was funny too, that we got on the plane in fabulous green Frankfurt, and then later we're coming in real close to the big discusting basin of LA and it was SO dirty-looking and nasty. none of the German folks on the plane were smiling as we landed: it was so smoggy that the buildings right outside were almost invisible. I was actually already going to be a little sad to be back, and it was as if the universe was just having a hay-day with that: like making LA look as nasty as it could *possibly* get. I'm actually, at this moment, not really as eager to move to LA, the way i was before i was in Europe. i don't mean to sound all bitter or whatever; it just doesn't seem like it's actually my kind of place, once it gets down to it. I don't know though; maybe i still will... you can never tell, with me: my life changes by the nanosecond and i never know where my head's gonna be ten minutes from now...
in other news, i got laid off this last week

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