ever have SO many thoughts and things to say, that you just couldn't manage a journal entry? that seems to happen alot with me these days...
-i have been having a love affair with a particular white stripes song (actually many, but there's something special about this one: ) the special thing about it is the lyrics:
"well you're sittin in your little room
and you're workin on something good
but if it's really good
you're gonna need a bigger room.
And when you're in the bigger room,
you might not know what to do,
you might have to think of how you got started
sittin in your little room."
that little phrase is SUCH zen for me right now... i'm really just glad someone else noticed that phenomenon... any comments?
-so i come home from an AWESOME weekend out in la with all the sgla peeps i've been missing so much... to find that a girl i find SO ANNOYING is MOVING IN to the house i'm living in!!! AAAGHH!!
jeez! i know this girl, like in her 40's or so... MORON in the biggest way... her parents must have just never taught her to use her mind or something... she asked me if i wanted a job; telemarketing... i'm like i dunno, she said she was told it was "a great opportunity to earn $700 a week." what can i say, HAHAHA... yah...
see, the house i'm living in is kindofa sublett situation; top floor is rented out by my "roommate" willie, and i rent one of the rooms.. and so it appears she is coming in to one of the rooms just in the same hallway... believe me it's close quarters... gawd, i'm plannin on just hermitting up in my room and stayin in there with the door shut... believe me, this girl is a DOLT. i won't get in to the stories right now.... well, ok yes i will
--story one:
she said she and willie went to Robbie's, pomona's only gay bar, this saturday... and she didn't realize it was a goddamn gay bar. she said she went up to a guy and asked him to dance and he said no. she was still confused. she goes up to another guy and asked him to dance, he also tells her no. she's getting all sad and self-conscious at this point. fact that she's one of two chicks in there apparently means nothing to her. she goes up to willie and says "willie, did you know we're in a gay bar??" willie just bursts out laughing. when she's done telling me this story, she says apologetically "i ate a corndog." see, i had a box of frozen corndogs in the fridge. i say that's fine, whatever. she 's like "willie told me 'don't eat any of kathleen's food!'" i say it's ok. she asks "were those your juice-packets?" i had also had a box of juice-box things in the fridge. "you can have a juice-packet if you want! it's ok!" i say. she answers "i drank em all."
-story two... well, actually, i don't really feel like talking any more about this person. i indeed feel like moving on to another subject.
-just to restate, sorry again to all those i tend to wind up neglecting, as i am so rarely at the internet. i mean, it really is somewhat difficult for me to get to the internet these days; there's not even a phone line at the house i'm livin in... i don't mean to bitch and whine, but i really can't just pop online any time i want... i have to set aside a whole day if i want to do actual in-depth internet searching of any kind, and usually when i''m making that drive to the library, spending a whole lot of time on sg isn't always as close to the top of my to-do list as, say, looking for all the other info i've been lacking access to during the week, job searching, email, etc... i feel like lately i've been having to apologize all over the place for not responding fast enough to emails, not being around aim, and not being diligent about the sg site... it's not just that i'm lazy, its that sg isn't the kind of site it's easy to slip on and off of in a public setting, and the only place i can plug in my computer is a 40 min round trip out of anything else i might be doing.... sorry if all this sounds like im complaining.... i really don't mean to; i'm doing the best i can with what ive got... i'm really just trying to explain myself, and hopefully excuse myself, for any time when i seemed to be ignoring people or thought myself too busy to attend things... really, you call me and leave a message and i'll get it that day... you email me and its lucky if i get it that week...
-i think i might avoid getting any tattoos, ever, out of public service: you can't ever give blood if you have ever had a tattoo, right? well, i'm type-o-negative, so.... you know what i mean... my fellow o-negs are in greater need than most
... if it is in fact NOT true that you can't give blood if you've had a tattoo then people PLEASE tell me!!!
-that's all. tell me your wierdest dream!
-i have been having a love affair with a particular white stripes song (actually many, but there's something special about this one: ) the special thing about it is the lyrics:
"well you're sittin in your little room
and you're workin on something good
but if it's really good
you're gonna need a bigger room.
And when you're in the bigger room,
you might not know what to do,
you might have to think of how you got started
sittin in your little room."
that little phrase is SUCH zen for me right now... i'm really just glad someone else noticed that phenomenon... any comments?
-so i come home from an AWESOME weekend out in la with all the sgla peeps i've been missing so much... to find that a girl i find SO ANNOYING is MOVING IN to the house i'm living in!!! AAAGHH!!

see, the house i'm living in is kindofa sublett situation; top floor is rented out by my "roommate" willie, and i rent one of the rooms.. and so it appears she is coming in to one of the rooms just in the same hallway... believe me it's close quarters... gawd, i'm plannin on just hermitting up in my room and stayin in there with the door shut... believe me, this girl is a DOLT. i won't get in to the stories right now.... well, ok yes i will

--story one:
she said she and willie went to Robbie's, pomona's only gay bar, this saturday... and she didn't realize it was a goddamn gay bar. she said she went up to a guy and asked him to dance and he said no. she was still confused. she goes up to another guy and asked him to dance, he also tells her no. she's getting all sad and self-conscious at this point. fact that she's one of two chicks in there apparently means nothing to her. she goes up to willie and says "willie, did you know we're in a gay bar??" willie just bursts out laughing. when she's done telling me this story, she says apologetically "i ate a corndog." see, i had a box of frozen corndogs in the fridge. i say that's fine, whatever. she 's like "willie told me 'don't eat any of kathleen's food!'" i say it's ok. she asks "were those your juice-packets?" i had also had a box of juice-box things in the fridge. "you can have a juice-packet if you want! it's ok!" i say. she answers "i drank em all."

-story two... well, actually, i don't really feel like talking any more about this person. i indeed feel like moving on to another subject.
-just to restate, sorry again to all those i tend to wind up neglecting, as i am so rarely at the internet. i mean, it really is somewhat difficult for me to get to the internet these days; there's not even a phone line at the house i'm livin in... i don't mean to bitch and whine, but i really can't just pop online any time i want... i have to set aside a whole day if i want to do actual in-depth internet searching of any kind, and usually when i''m making that drive to the library, spending a whole lot of time on sg isn't always as close to the top of my to-do list as, say, looking for all the other info i've been lacking access to during the week, job searching, email, etc... i feel like lately i've been having to apologize all over the place for not responding fast enough to emails, not being around aim, and not being diligent about the sg site... it's not just that i'm lazy, its that sg isn't the kind of site it's easy to slip on and off of in a public setting, and the only place i can plug in my computer is a 40 min round trip out of anything else i might be doing.... sorry if all this sounds like im complaining.... i really don't mean to; i'm doing the best i can with what ive got... i'm really just trying to explain myself, and hopefully excuse myself, for any time when i seemed to be ignoring people or thought myself too busy to attend things... really, you call me and leave a message and i'll get it that day... you email me and its lucky if i get it that week...
-i think i might avoid getting any tattoos, ever, out of public service: you can't ever give blood if you have ever had a tattoo, right? well, i'm type-o-negative, so.... you know what i mean... my fellow o-negs are in greater need than most

-that's all. tell me your wierdest dream!
I met the fraggle... FINALLY.

"how YOU doin'?"