can't stop for long gottta take note of my existance and run... in p'ville again/ don't know why, keep running back and forht and back and forth again between la and the motherfuck valley of the shadow of darkness.. why am i returning here all the time you ask? search me. weierd. been trying to wrap up shit i got back here... been trying to hang with my peeps i've still got here while my friend is on leave from the military... been being bugged and bugged by the 'rents to get in grad school-- they still can't know i got a job modelling nude but that's ok... i may have another job now in this really sleezo club in... whats that town called? i forget... weekend thing.. got a job promised me a week ago at that glass shop: i.e. that she would actually start paying me where i'd been just volunteer/interning-- thought it was really cool till she called me, while i was on the WAY to work, aand told me she can't afford to hire me anymore--- this makes the THIRD yes the THIRD job i've been PROMISED and then had taken while i was on my way or showing up for my first day or coming in to ask when the first day was; all for the reason that the employer "cant afford to hire anyone" anymore. fucking bushanomics. so i'm not getting iron-core hopes up about this one. not till i've got the fucking paycheck in my hands.
More Blogs
Friday Mar 18, 2005
anybody who wants to retain contact with me beyond this month or so, … -
Saturday Feb 12, 2005
not much to say but thought i'd update anyway. -
Monday Jan 24, 2005
i'm very ow today. my friend "A" had his b-day saturday, and i am … -
Tuesday Jan 18, 2005
bleh. -
Friday Jan 07, 2005 (some photos...) -
Tuesday Jan 04, 2005
i'm back in porter-hell right now for the holidays... -
Monday Oct 25, 2004
oy, the design/setup of the site changed *again* while i was out... o… -
Saturday Sep 18, 2004
i'm going away for a couple of weeks, i've told a few people where i'… -
Friday Sep 10, 2004
i've returned from Burning Man, and i don't think i will ever be the … -
Thursday Aug 12, 2004
woke up bitchy. i hate oprah. went to sleep watching oprah not good. …