cheers to the weekend! hope you all have a lovely day ! May 30, 2015 6 Facebook Tweet Email mint: my god !! love ur eyes!! May 30, 2015 1 fragg_lerock: Thank you hun! @mint May 30, 2015
just a little something I painted for my uncles tiki bar at the lake ! May 24, 2015 2 Facebook Tweet Email
the view I had at work today! I fucking love my job! May 19, 2015 5 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS fragg_lerock: Building decks for fancy trailer parks is great Lol @luri May 19, 2015 mint: Wow yes!! Love the place!! May 19, 2015 1
they told me I could be anything so I became a unicorn ! May 7, 2015 6 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS ekoorb_a: Haha, nice! May 7, 2015 1 mint: cool! May 30, 2015 1
picked up a vintage Ben Pearson jetbow today. Can't wait to get a string for it! Apr 29, 2015 1 Facebook Tweet Email mint: I want it !!! Apr 29, 2015 1