Seeing as this is my first blog on here I figure I should atleast give you a insight to who I am.
I go by Fragg Lerock on here but my real name is Nicholas. After Jolly ol' St.Nick. I also have a long list of "nick" names that also answer to but I'll leave that for another time.
I have a passion for all thing's creative and tend to refer to myself as a creative genius. I paint, draw, take pictures but far from a photographer and write the odd poem. I am also trying to teach myself how to play the ukulele and harmonica
I nerd out on movies, comic books, history/war, and anything music. My taste in movies anything from action, thriller/suspence, to romantic comedies. When it comes to comic books I perfer mavel but have always been a fan of Batman. As for music I will listen to anything you play me. Country, big band, jazz, blues, classical, rock'n'roll, alternative rock to metal!
I tend to keep to myself most of the time but I am am always the life of the party. I have a small group of friends that I have been friends since kindergarten and wouldn't trade them for the world!
That's pretty much me. Hope you have enjoyed the read!