I've got the start of a caffeine headache. I housesat for someone who had no soda. I came home to my apartment, also lacking soda. Maybe there will be enough in a cup of tea to suffice.

Anyway. It's August 27. Burning Man begins tomorrow.
Not for me.

You know, the only reason I'm still around is because of M___ and N___. I can't...
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hey thanks for your comment, I like to keep things short and sweet hehe, more photo's soon tho xx
i'm sorry that i'm coming in on the middle of this, but it was nice to see that at the end it looks like you've already got everything figured out... whether you know it or not. why is it so hard to do the right thing? i'm with you on that, but why? we're all so afraid the world will end. but my ex once had a wonderful philosophy:

everything will work out because it HAS to. the only alternative is that you die which is a very unlikely alternative. otherwise, something works out.
Walking on the sands
I decided to leave you.

I was treading a dark clay
that trembled
and I, sinking and coming out,
decided that you should come out
of me, that you were weighing me down
like a cutting stone,
and I worked out your loss
step by step:
to cut off your roots,
to release you alone into the wind.

Ah, in that...
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Good lord, next time just tell me to shut up, people. This summer's just crazy -- it's not me this time. I just get confused, and defeat always seems the easiest option.
How about telling you now to shut up? The way you react to things differs during time and circumstance. All reactions must be taken in and are natural. None are to be regretted

P.S. Sorry if this doesn't help. I dunno. I'm probably drunk.
that works.

p.s. me too
it's been a bit since i've spoken at all here... i honestly somehow forgot about the blog capabilities of SG... i even have 2 comments on my last blog that i'd forgotten to reply to

so, i'm a bit of an idiot... placing The Girl, yes, the girl who once said she would marry me, on a bit of a pedestal... not actually, however I...
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um. god. i'm fighting through a migraine right now, so i can't touch all that with a ten foot pole. i'm thinking the light in all of that is the fact that you're actually thinking about this. i mean, you're reflecting on it and trying to figure it out. you're able to see multiple sides. that's a good thing in and of itself. you're not buried in denial and you're not suicidal. read some Neruda and don't think about marriage. DON'T i said.
"Violence, after all, is nothing more than a fear of love. And whne you fear love, where do you turn? To pride. The pride of your own self-defense.

There's a great secret here that philosophers have known for ages. And it's a secret only because it's so obvious that no one botheres to notice it. Consider the nature of water, a weak and lowly substance...
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i know it's almost pointless to argue this because i know where that argument is coming from and it is logical - at least to me - but i feel somehow like i should, well, stand up to it. i'm being very unwaterlike at the moment, but i think that's natural. while there are some definite benefits to forgoing nature and supressing certain characteristics of being human, we also have to recognize the fact that it is going against nature to do that. lots of folks out there have caused lots of hell just because they let their egos rule or got too hung up on something abstract. but conflict also brings about progress. and i'm not necessarily talking about the kind of conflict going on in the middle east, i'm talking about the kind of conflict that brings out competition and creative thought...
Thanks for your comment on my last set! kiss
7. Not giving Dharma to those who desire it.
This commitment advises us that whenever we have the chance we should try to eliminate the darkness of ignorance from the minds of others by giving Dharma teachings.

Valid reasons for not teaching include:
we do not know the subject well enough
it is not suitable to teach them
it would make others unhappy
we are...
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I love my job. I just hate waking up at 5:30 AM for it.
Otherwise, I would write an awful lot about what is on my mind tonight, after having seen Superman Returns.

I gave up caffeine a week ago, and ever since then, I have been monumentally tired. I have been trying to stay up late enough to call The New Girl --...
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"He was a simple, lonely beetle who had no other purpose
Maybe not to me, maybe not to me..."

This band is good.

"I fought the Austro-German Empire, helmets like deep plates...
I smoke cigarettes, do you have one?"

This band is good.

I thought this weekend would never end! Weekends are my work week, you see. Monday is my Friday. Got slightly smashed Friday...
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i enjoy those lyrics very much. i'm making up my own music in my head which is probably VERY different from the original, but it works well that way. i especially like: all i see is this little blue world but i don't believe in the sky." and the first quote got me to thinking of Kafka's Metamorphosis. intended? hmmm. perhaps i should get the context of the quote first. wink

which quote were you so happy to hear? i'm going to guess the Rumi one since your respones was so happy and effusive. it is a pick-me-up, isn't it? the church sign quote... well... i actually fell out of my car seat laughing. we'd just come from the cemetery where i took that fawn picture, and something about my state of mind... we had to circle back around the block so i could take the pic.
23 July 2004: that was my last haircut, according to an ancient blog. I almost made it two years. Exciting news, I know.

I really should have included this one with the last two...
6. Not accepting gifts
This commitment advises us that in accepting offerings from others we should use them in the most meaningful way.

It also basically says you should accept any...
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What about the age old issue of over politeness when receiving or giving?... Over politeness can fuck off.
Gratitude is a good thing to show, but I'm with you on over-politeness. If it's not sincere, it's not worth a damn.
I came back and everything got weird. First of all, I came back quite ill and fevered and called out of work for two days to lay in bed, unable to eat. Fun!

But also, I come back, and the SG site is all whacked out. I'm pretty sure I've been here for versions 1-3 (my rickety old memory ain't what it used to be),...
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sometimes i find myself hanging various bad habits, bad behavior, and otherwise quirks on things like my parents' divorce at a young age, being an only child, stifling my growing self in tight religion. i'm sure if i ever went to a psychotherapist from the old school, they'd be happy to agree. but in my heart of hearts, i have a hard time blaming anything i do now on something that happened so long ago. i know all those things shaped me, but i've made an infinte number of decisions since each. does that make sense? no way to know for sure what causes what, though. we're so damn complex. ever read Blink? i'm partway through right now and it's actually quite about what we're discussing.
oh, and maybe i forgot to ask before... but i really like your new profile picture and was wondering what it is/where it came from.