{not worrying}
the other bits, the good ones:
i discussed my increasing dissatisfaction with the way i find myself living my life with a new therapist, and she seems to see it as clearly as i do: i should just leave. if i think this life is not good for me, and i see a life that is good for me, then it is only obvious that i should do that.
which is in the dhammapada anyway:
"If a man who enjoys a lesser happiness beholds a greater one, let him leave aside the lesser to gain the greater."
it's nice to know that someone in her position is telling me to do what it is i really want to do anyway.
in other good news, a friend is having a party tonight, and it will be good to go to. and other good news: another friend is moving to hawaii within 2 weeks. not good that he'll be away, but good that he's leaving aside the lesser for the greater.
something's going around: i have a lot of friends that are doing this now.
was just speaking with another friend last night about the possibility of going to crash in hawaii for a bit, and today i'll speak with another friend about crashing up in alaska and any other number of states.