I have four cages of hamsters, and one of them has become a horrifying haven of carnivores. I was wondering what the smell was just a moment before I saw it -- half a hamster. I found the same a week ago yesterday.
Only three children left, and the mother. The runt -- half the size of the next smallest -- is still alive. I do not know what to do.
Percival, is he evil? I have other hamsters, in other cages, that fight. Nobody in this cage fights. They only feed.
I am, in all honesty, quite afraid.
Oh, they are still all very cute. If you would like one, please let me know. Given what we know, I would not recommend taking two.
{EDIT: Just woke up to hamster squeals. Turned on the light adn went over and saw Percy pinning another hamster to the ground and, apparently, biting his back leg. Either these hamsters have discovered the heretofore unknown (at least, to the hamster world) pleasures of oral sex, or Perce it just as evil as I feared.
I put him in the ball, and the other hamster did not seem to be bleeding or anything... if he's dead in the morning, Percy is cleared. Which would be nice, because he really is the cutest hamster.}