I've been adventuresome lately, no doubt. Last week I road tripped to Chicago, and this week I went to Vermont. The Aurora Borealis was expected to be visible there last night, but due to so many clouds and storms, we didn't get to see it. That didn't keep us from standing in a field in the middle of nowhere at 2AM (EST) this morning, hoping for a break in the clouds, though. And from there to the airport to home. I am fucking tired; and tomorrow it's back to work. I had the good fortune of NOT getting fired the other day... I was actually looking forward to looking for something new, however my recent trips have left me at a deficit in the bank, so I'll be grateful too keep my ridiculously high-paying job for a while longer.
I love Vermont. I love autumn, and that's where it is. The weather there over the past two days is what weather used to be here in TN in Septembers, all of 16, 17 years ago. Damn this global warming. But what can I say? I still drive my car.
Anyway, I am too lazy to upload pics to SG, so here is a link to my camera-phone pics from my recent trips.
I love Vermont. I love autumn, and that's where it is. The weather there over the past two days is what weather used to be here in TN in Septembers, all of 16, 17 years ago. Damn this global warming. But what can I say? I still drive my car.
Anyway, I am too lazy to upload pics to SG, so here is a link to my camera-phone pics from my recent trips.
i still have not been to VT, but somehow it's on my list of top 3 places to live. nor have i ever seen the Northern Lights, but they are on my list of things to do/see before i die. (hmmm, i really don't make that many lists... ) during my senior year of high school, my mom and i went with the Indy Ski Club to alaska for spring break and the hotel where we stayed offered "Night Lights Wake-Up Calls." so if someone spotted them in the middle of the night, they'd ring your room to let you know. unfortunately, it didn't happen the whole time we were there, but i would have gladly stood in a field for hours waiting for them, too. someday. and fall is my favorite season by far. know of any magical lands where it goes on and on?