Saturday, I woke up around 5:30 AM for no good reason. I turned on the TV to check the weather and I found my reason. I didn't see much of it but it's got a ridiculous number of musicians in it. Apparently it's a rip off of "Wild Style" but they don't overlap performers, so I don't care.
I'm someone who almost never keeps an alarm and I don't have a clock in my bedroom. Yet from Saturday through today I woke up within a minute or so of 5:32AM. Today I had to go back to sleep from exhaustion but the other days it was a real boon to getting work done outside.
After years of looking into the idea, I finally bought a digital camera on Friday. Does anyone have suggestions for what to use when compressing pictures? I'm not satisfied with this version of the pic compared with larger or less compressed ones. Of course, part of it is that the main subject is dark so it needs more detail to work well.
I hate buying things like digital cameras. Mine will probably be broken in less than 10 (or 5) years from shoddy workmanship and will be worth just a few dollars by then anyway. Having said that, I bought it and after this paragraph I'll always look past the bad side and enjoy having it until it breaks. It fills a need that nothing else could exactly.
The picture is of a rose that's growing underneath and between the branches of overgrown evergreens in my yard. It's a bit of a sign of hope and resilience because it should be dead. OTOH, it also reminds me of the asshat previous owner who let all the plants go to hell after the original owner spent around 60 years taking great care of the place. This falls under the "makes me sad (or angry)" category for me. It wouldn't have taken much work to keep the place in shape. Now, however, it's almost necessary to raze and replant everything. As bad as that may be in some ways, I love the work.
RE: The pee splatter. With some urinals I understand because the splatter is ridiculous. With an average urinal, I think of how I heard a scientist say 200k+ particles bad for humans fly in the air every time you flush a toilet. Tiny particles you can breath in. Urine is sterile and poo is not, so my vote goes with urine and urinals. Plus, there's the courtesy of not splashing that nasty mix on to the seat for the guy who's going to sit there. That still happens with the seat up.
I'm someone who almost never keeps an alarm and I don't have a clock in my bedroom. Yet from Saturday through today I woke up within a minute or so of 5:32AM. Today I had to go back to sleep from exhaustion but the other days it was a real boon to getting work done outside.

After years of looking into the idea, I finally bought a digital camera on Friday. Does anyone have suggestions for what to use when compressing pictures? I'm not satisfied with this version of the pic compared with larger or less compressed ones. Of course, part of it is that the main subject is dark so it needs more detail to work well.
I hate buying things like digital cameras. Mine will probably be broken in less than 10 (or 5) years from shoddy workmanship and will be worth just a few dollars by then anyway. Having said that, I bought it and after this paragraph I'll always look past the bad side and enjoy having it until it breaks. It fills a need that nothing else could exactly.
The picture is of a rose that's growing underneath and between the branches of overgrown evergreens in my yard. It's a bit of a sign of hope and resilience because it should be dead. OTOH, it also reminds me of the asshat previous owner who let all the plants go to hell after the original owner spent around 60 years taking great care of the place. This falls under the "makes me sad (or angry)" category for me. It wouldn't have taken much work to keep the place in shape. Now, however, it's almost necessary to raze and replant everything. As bad as that may be in some ways, I love the work.
RE: The pee splatter. With some urinals I understand because the splatter is ridiculous. With an average urinal, I think of how I heard a scientist say 200k+ particles bad for humans fly in the air every time you flush a toilet. Tiny particles you can breath in. Urine is sterile and poo is not, so my vote goes with urine and urinals. Plus, there's the courtesy of not splashing that nasty mix on to the seat for the guy who's going to sit there. That still happens with the seat up.
Come on, offer up the floor for the PJ party! You're our only hope! You're the only guy with the acreage!